North Meath RFC has changed our kit supplier from Canterbury to O'Neills. A wide range of North Meath branded clubwear is now available through our new ONeills clubshop page. The new kit will only be available online
You can also find the link whenever you need it on our website adverts and it will be promoted on our newsfeed banner adverts within Clubzap
Note that we still have some great value Canterbury stock you can avail of at our xmas draw event on Dec 18th at the Grange
The new jerseys have a very similar design to our prior version so we hope you don't feel obliged to switch from your existing Canterbury versions too soon.
All the product range is available now except for the jerseys which will come on stream next week. Delivery times are estimated by O'Neills to be about 7 days but NMRFC is not responsible for those timelines

All teams ordering jerseys must do so through our director of rugby, Conor Grey. No other designs will be tolerated !! We're sure you'll agree our U12s looked great in the new jerseys and we have more new team kits on the way